Today in church I saw this very short guy erm his height was like Aki's own nah... I'm exaggerating,

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May 26th, 2021, 11:18 pm

Today in church I saw this very short guy erm his height was like Aki's own nah... I'm exaggerating, it was like Bob the minion's height.

So this guy was using his phone during mass and in our church you're not supposed to use your phone for anything at all when mass is going on and as a church warden I was supposed to confiscate it. But it was obvious that this man ears like Shrek's ears were just meant for decoration.

I walked up to him stealthily like a cat so I could see what he was doing with his phone before seizing it but unfortunately his gigantic head was covering the phone's screen but I managed to stretch my neck and behold what did I see, "DEATH TO SIMPS" angry written in his comment box.

Of course I gave him my most evil smile and snatched the phone from his discoloured fingers which I'm very sure is as a result of billions of bleaching cream *SMH angry I gave the phone to the catechist and I hope he never sees it again. angry

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