You can’t possibly study everything at once in a single research, it is beyond your reach; not just final year students, anyone else. The purpose of a research is to understudy a case and use the research outcome to take a broad view of the issue so researched. As standard may have it, students are made to channel their final year projects to a specific case. Not fair enough, reasons are not always given which explains why students fumble in the middle of a research.
That wouldn’t be the case anymore, no; not after reading this article to the tail end. You will get to understand reasons why your final year project must consider a case study. So here is what it’s all about;
Using a Case Study Makes your Research Manageable
A typical undergraduate research requires that you choose a sample size for the research. The sample size can only be drawn from the population of study. Explaining this will be a talk for another day but there is no two ways about it. Except you want to spend your entire life studying an issue; even at that, it is beyond your reach. Making your research manageable also makes your research figures manageable too.
It Gives your Research a Focal Point
A case study makes it easier for your research to focus on a subject matter, a specimen or newspapers as the case may be. For instance, if you are doing a research on cars, your population of study can be Ford cars produced in 2017 and 2018. Meanwhile, the sample size can be Ford cars produced in Nov. and Dec. 2017 and 2018 respectively. Following this sequence, your research becomes specific enough to work on.
It makes it Easier to make Generalization
At the end of your final year project, it is also expected you make a conclusion which in other words is called generalization. Your research outcome no matter how limiting is what you use to make a general conclusive statement about the issue you have researched.
It is the Rule of Research
Let’s just say you didn’t read this article; you will get to know with or without any formal orientation that a final year project must have a focal point of study.