Protect Yourself: See Smart, Practical Ways To Stay Safe During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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Location: Naija

May 7th, 2020, 4:16 am

It is no longer news that we are currently living in very trying times. The novel Coronavirus (tagged 'Covid-19' by WHO) has within very few months (January to April 2020) left the whole world in shambles. And its not yet abating. In fact, according to analysts, Covid-19 has got a long stay here. Those projections owing solely to the fact that the world currently has yet no working vaccine or cure for this viral disease.

Everything is impacted. Apart from the viral disease's own health impact which practically weighs down heavily on the health sector of every economy, with hospital supplies running out and personnel overwhelmed, the global response to curtail its spread has far more debilitating short-term and long-term effects on the world finance and economy. We see many economies shutting down and residents forced or advised to stay home in order to minimize community transmission of the viral disease. The stock markets have seen more bears than ever before. Oil price crumbled to unprecedented lows. Some companies are folding up. And the outlook is not very bright.

The world, however, seems to be taking a risky stand: many economies are re-opening and relaxing their lock-down - even in the middle of the global pandemic. Even when the infections have not reached the peak. Many governments have clamored to relax their lock-down and allow people to continue their daily activities even when the virus is ravaging the economy. With what effect?

While many economic activities will pick up again, the infection rate is expected to soar! We have examples already of economies that re-opened only to have their Covid-19 cases double within weeks of relaxing lock-down. Is that a worthy sacrifice? Is that risk worth taking?

Let's talk of Nigeria: On May 4, 2020, the federal government relaxed the month-long lock-down but with strict guidelines on social distancing and face mask usage, limiting inter-state movement. Truth is: Many do not follow these guidelines. There are still inter-state movements. Social distancing is not ensured in public places and in public transport. Very many still do not wear nose mask, or they end up wearing wrong things, or wearing them wrongly. There was this worrisome online video of a woman using bible as her nose mask.
stay safe covid19-bestnaija.jpeg
The Real Business: Protect Yourself
With that long preamble, we must really agree that each of us must #TakeResponsibility and protect ourselves and everyone around us. On today, I will share some smart and practical ways through which you can safeguard yourself and your loved ones from this viral pandemic.

1. No Cash!
Unlike developed nations like the U.S where they can live practically cashless, most of Nigeria's transactions are still cash based. That is very bad for this time. The cash that exchanges hands frequently and that travels all over the country is a viable and fertile medium for this virus to get transmitted from hand to hand. While the CBN cashless policy was to take effect on 31st March 2020, littlewas the impact on the amount of cash still circulating from hand to hand in Nigeria. This gives room for Covid-19 to spread easily.

To protect yourself and family, stay away from cash! Do not take cash! And if you give out cash, do not take change! Maybe you finish spending that cash. That will limit what you take from people. You do not know who have held that cash you are taking. And for those working with cash maybe in banks or as cashiers, use your nose mask all the time and use hand gloves. Wash hands more frequently with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds. Also employ hand sanitizers.

Go for alternatives. Say no to cash. Opt for non-cash alternatives like debit and credit cards. Use POS terminals. Use mobile and internet bankings and transfers to exchange values. Cash is dirty and will give you Coronavirus.

2. Your Mobile Phone Is Dirty!
Yes, our hands need frequent washing because we touch all forms of dirty and likely infected surfaces. That's true. We will get to that. But let me talk about your mobile phones.

Seriously, we underestimate this. We place our mobile phones not only in our dirty hands but also on all forms of surfaces. When you are in the toilet, where do you keep your mobile set? When at a desk, you place them on the table, right? When holding other possibly dirty items, you hold your phones alongside. Fact is: Our mobile phones carry a whole lot of germs. And they will carry Coronavirus from our hands and those surfaces.

Now, you wash your hands for 20 seconds with running water and soap. Hand is clean. But behold, you pick up that same dirty mobile phone. Your hand is infected again. To make matters worse: we are advised not to touch our eyes, nose and mouth with dirty hands. But then, how do you answer calls on your mobile phones? You place the dirty thing on your ears, on your face! Corona here we come! Got this gist?

In effect, these I recommend as regards mobile phone handling at this time:
i. When you clean your hands, clean your handset too. However you do it. And if you know your phone is water and soap resistant (which I doubt it is), maybe the soap and water treatment won't be a bad idea. I recommend you use wipes to clean your mobile phones.
ii. Be wary of surface on which you place your handset.
iii. On speaker! or Hands-free. I thing its more hygienic these days to simply answer your calls on speaker mode of hands-free using corded ear-peace or Bluetooth speakers. Placing that dirty mobile phone on your face is synonymous to touching your face with dirty hands.
iv. Do not touch people's phones. Do not let people touch yours! I don't need to give too much epistle here.

Phone hygiene is now a new must!

3. Your Hands Are Always Dirty!
Don't argue this. And the earlier we accept this the better. Consider your hands to carry germs all the time because you touch things around you. Door knobs, railings, objects, working tools, tables and surfaces and so on. And you don't know who has been there. So, hand hygiene is a must now! Do wash your hands frequently with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds. This will help kill or wash off germs from your hand.

Alternatively to hand washing, use alcohol-based hand sanitizers on your hands frequently.

4. New Private Parts Discovered: Eyes, Nose, Mouth!
Using face masks in gatherings or meetings and also in public places may to a high degree help protect against droplets transmission from infected persons nearby. It is also important to not touch your face, especially your eyes, mouth or nose with unclean hands. And since we established just now that the hands are always dirty, then do not in any guise touch your face. Except when you are bathing. Period.

5. Maintain Social Distance.
We all know what this entails. But people found that hard to practice in Nigeria since May 4. This is worrisome.
Suspend hugging, hand shakes and perking and all forms of casual or social kissing for now! Instead, wave from a distance. Ni hao!

6. Stay Healthy.
This virus has a very low mortality rate per se. Staying healthy will increase your chances of quick recovery in case you get it. Eat good food, clear any illness now. Boost your immune system. Stay clean. Exercise often to make you strong and active. This is a rather broad topic on its own. So, lets leave it to my next write-up.

Many economies like Nigeria, rather than ensure effective lock-down, are easing the lock-down and re-opening even in the middle of a ravaging pandemic. That is very risky as we expect the infections to most likely soar in coming weeks due to community transmission. It has become imperative that we all take responsibility and protect ourselves. Clean habits, running away from cash, hygienic practices, social distancing and living healthy lifestyle will make a lot of difference.

Thanks for reading. Share with friends if you find it useful.

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"Many of us are not living our dreams simply because we are busy living our fears" - Les Brown
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Location: Abuja

May 7th, 2020, 5:10 am

:clap: The phone part got me thinking. :shkd:
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May 7th, 2020, 5:44 am

Good tips
But that going cashless part sounds very difficult.
Anyway thanks op
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Location: Abuja

May 7th, 2020, 5:54 am

makavelli25 wrote:But that going cashless part sounds very difficult.
Cos we are still in cash-driven economy. :thnk:
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May 7th, 2020, 3:36 pm

eMade wrote:
makavelli25 wrote:But that going cashless part sounds very difficult.
Cos we are still in cash-driven economy. :thnk:
It sounds almost impossible
redeem and buy coins at a very good rate. just send a message,I reply in seconds

August 31st, 2020, 11:37 pm

That cashless and no change part is going to be very difficult.

October 28th, 2020, 6:37 am

MANY run their biz on cashless platform while some don't, so it all depends.

October 28th, 2020, 4:57 pm

:clap: :clap: such a great idea but the cashless and and no change is going to be a big deal

November 3rd, 2020, 6:00 pm

That cashless and no change part is going
to be very difficult.

November 3rd, 2020, 6:01 pm

That cashless and no change part is going
to be very difficult.
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November 18th, 2020, 9:07 am

:clap: nice one but that going cashless part seems impossible
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Location: New York

November 22nd, 2020, 3:28 pm

Follow me on facebook "Titan Kenneth". ... speed_dial

February 19th, 2021, 12:03 pm

nice tips but some can neva hold water in dis part of d world

February 19th, 2021, 12:04 pm

:lol; enter typical naija market if u see social distance make i bend like crayfish
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Location: Akure, Ondo-road, 32 ARTILLARY BRIDGADE, SNCOQ Block 15 B.

March 14th, 2021, 11:21 pm

emykay 🤟
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