Nigerian Police Salary 2024, Shocking Revelation!

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January 31st, 2024, 11:22 am

The Nigerian Police Force plays a crucial role in maintaining law and order, protecting lives and property, and enforcing the law in Nigeria. Within the police force, there are different ranks and levels, each with its own salary structure and allowances. In this article, we will delve into the ranks, salaries, and allowances of the Nigerian Police for the year 2024.

Nigerian Police Ranks
The Nigerian Police ranks are categorized into three groups: senior officers, junior officers, and non-commissioned officers. Each category has various levels, and salaries differ based on rank and educational qualifications. Let's explore these ranks:

Senior Officers
Inspector-General of Police (IGP)
Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG)
Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIG)
Commissioner of Police (CP)
Junior Officers
Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP)
Superintendent of Police (SP)
Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP)
Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP)
Non-Commissioned Officers
Police Constable (PC)

New recruits are assigned ranks based on their educational qualifications:

Those with SSCE certificates start as Constables.
NCE or National Diploma holders begin as Corporals.
HND and BSc holders are initially ranked as Assistant Superintendents of Police (ASP).

Nigeria Police Salary
The salary structure for Nigerian police officers is based on their ranks and educational qualifications. Here's a breakdown of the starting salaries for different ranks in the Nigerian Police Force as of 2024:

- Inspector General of Police: ₦1,234,450.00 per month
- Deputy Inspector General of Police: ₦846,572.80 per month
- Assistant Inspector General of Police: ₦699,751.90 per month
- Commissioner of Police: ₦502,970.50 per month
- Deputy Commissioner of Police: ₦378,852.80 per month
- Assistant Commissioner of Police: ₦212,938.20 per month
- Chief Superintendent of Police: ₦199,723.96 per month
- Superintendent of Police: ₦172,089.06 per month
- Deputy Superintendent of Police: ₦170,399.70 per month
- Assistant Superintendent of Police: ₦156,318.39 per month
- Inspector of Police: ₦87,135.10 per month
- Sergeant Major: ₦62,204.88 per month
- Sergeant: ₦55,973.90 per month
- Corporal: ₦53,113.60 per month
- Constable: ₦48,113.60 per month

It's important to note that these figures represent the starting salaries and do not include potential bonuses or allowances.

Nigerian Police Allowances
In addition to their salaries, Nigerian police officers receive various allowances to support their welfare and encourage them in their duties. These allowances include:

1. Risk Allowance
The Risk Allowance is paid to police officers who work in high-risk areas or perform risky duties. The amount varies depending on the level of risk involved, ranging from N5,000 to N50,000 per month.

2. Rent Allowance
Rent Allowance is provided to police officers who do not reside in police barracks. The allowance's value varies based on the officer's rank and ranges from N30,000 to N50,000 per annum.

3. Transport Allowance
Transport Allowance is designed to support police officers' transportation needs. It ranges from N27,000 to N50,000 per annum, depending on their rank.

4. Uniform Allowance
Uniform Allowance assists police officers in purchasing their required uniforms. The amount varies from N4,000 to N30,000 per annum, depending on rank.

In conclusion, understanding the Nigerian Police ranks, salaries, and allowances is crucial for both officers and the public. This comprehensive guide provides valuable insights into the income structure of the Nigerian Police Force in 2024. It emphasizes the importance of educational qualifications and rank in determining an officer's earnings, along with the additional allowances aimed at supporting and incentivizing their dedicated service.

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